"Ellen Dionna is one of the most authentic, positive, enlightened professionals I know. Over the years as I worked with Ellen in a variety of settings on a wide range of projects, I have discovered that whether assisting one individual in her calm, kind way or inspiring hundreds of people at a time, Ellen is a leader of immense compassion for humanity.
She is highly educated and intelligent and radiates beauty, wisdom and a quiet grace that makes her stand out in a crowd. She is an exceptional healer for all ages, a deep listener, gifted writer, encouraging teacher and motivational speaker.
Like all the great guides, gurus and sages, Ellen is held in high esteem by colleagues, patients and clients nationwide and is known for her intuitiveness, thoughtful, serene manner, warm support and good humor. I look forward to working with Ellen more in the future."
KC Christnesen-Lang
Success Coach & President / Owner of Happiness Is...
Spiritual Direction and Psychotherapy with Ellen Dionna at Chalice Spring
Embracing the Sacred
Spiritual and sacred experience is intrinsic to being human and the need for counsel and guidance in the spiritual realm has been too long neglected as part of human wholeness and well-being.
Chalice Spring is a metaphor for discovering the Holy Grail of Self and filling life with the sacred. Ellen Dionna works with her clients through Psychotherapy, Spiritual Guidance, Shamanism and the use of Spiritual Collage to reconnect with their inner selves and achieve a deep spiritual re-awakening that affects every aspect of their lives.
Therapies for Body, Mind and Spirit
Spiritual Guidance and Companioning
Co-Director, Susquehanna Mystery School
Spiritual Workshops
Spiritual Collage
Weddings & Celebrations of Life Passages
Women's Retreats
NEW from Ellen Dionna!
Ellen's new book Spiritual Sampler: Illuminating Inner Wisdom is a sweeping collection of over 125 essays exploring the many facets of spiritual development and experience. Her essays can be used by either the initiate for study and the discovery of their Inner Path, or by the experienced contemplative as a meditational focus.
Spiritual Sampler is already being used by church groups and in prisons to help those who wish to deepen their spiritual understanding and awaken to the spiritual way of life.
The book is available at www.createspace.com/3852711 and www.amazon.com